There are several natural ways to grow taller if you feel a little height challenged. Although tall people will tell you that height isn't really that big of a deal, it is when you feel that it impedes your life. If you want to add a bit of height to your frame, you really can do it without risking the side effects of taking strong supplements.

Getting a full night's sleep each and every night is one of the natural ways to grow taller. Your body grows when you are resting so it's imperative that you focus on that. The best way to do this is to set a bedtime for yourself each night and stick with it. You need to do this even on weekends. It's also a good idea to get up at the same time each day so your body can develop a natural rhythm. Allow yourself at minimum eight hours of sleep. Nine is even better.

Protein is also one of the natural ways to grow taller. You need to ensure you eat a diet that is rich in lean
proteins. This obviously doesn't mean eating cheeseburgers for every meal. You need to eat protein sources that are low in fat, so lean beef, chicken and turkey are really good choices. Just changing your menu plans a bit can make a lot of difference.

Stretching is yet another of the natural ways to grow taller. When you stretch your body you release natural human growth hormones. Set aside time each day to focus just on stretching exercises. You'll also want to add some other exercises to your regime including swimming and cycling. Both of these can help spur growth.