Remarkably, super massing is a very simple and elegant solution to a seemingly impossible problem. The Chinese state manuscript clearly and simply reveals what should have been blatantly obvious to anyone with a reasonable knowledge of body chemistry. Re-activating the pituitary gland to release more human growth hormone is the first step, but in adults, ones who have aged beyond puberty and have naturally stopped the growth phase, this does not automatically mean vertical growth, it usually means muscle production. All that was required was a catalyst that would re-assign the Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) to bone and cartilage too and that is exactly what happens. Vertical height increase is achieved when the HGH acts on bone and cartilage. A human can gain an extra 2 inches just from thicker and healthier cartilage and ligaments, all combined, including the vertebrae discs in your back, this thickening can increase your height cumalitively up to 2 inches alone. But the real power of this process lies in the HGH impact on the femur bone and the bones in the legs. This is where the true extra height will come from. When the bone is activated and synthesized by the HGH the bone grows thinker and longer, this type of growth is natural to the body and grows in a normal way to increase height without aesthetic distortion.
Delivered in a simple to understand manner, the information explains in simple but detailed terms how HGH acts upon the body and what exactly stimulates the pituitary gland to produce HGH
There is absolutely no doubt about it that HGH is the chemical released by the body that is responsible for human height increase. This fact is well accepted in scientific and medical circles.
The breakthrough comes with the combination of strategy that affects the pituitary gland to make it behave as if it is still in the growth cycle. This is the break through the Chinese uncovered and it is the very strategy that the Poles and the Vietnamese use to create army packed with soldiers with an average height of 6'3
Learn how to stimulate the growth platelets on a cellular level and where the easiest and quickest activity occurs. The three main areas where height occurs being in the muscle, cartilage and bone, discover exactly how you will add those 5 or 6 inches to your stature.
Discover in simple terms how HGH works on the body and why it works on the bones and cartilage even after a body has moved out of the growth phase (puberty) Learn exactly what synthesis means and how it affects the body in terms of growth.
How Confident Are You With Your Height Now ??